Sunday, October 27, 2013

Just as Legit as The Beatles or The Rolling Stones

What can make a video game memorable? Rolling Stone feels that music in games not only can make a video game more memorable, but culture as a whole loves video game music. The article is list of Rolling Stone's favorite video game music. Rolling Stone covers some great music from Halo, Super Mario and Tetris. The author feels that the music is not only catchy, but just as much music as anything else that is produced by major labels today.

I love video games. I also love music, but more specifically I love music in video games. Nothing is quite like the catchiness of Nintendo music or the awesomeness  of orchestrated music in RPG games. Music is just as much the experience that the story or the graphics are in the game. Let's take Pokemon for example. First you'll be walking around carefree while hearing the harmonic sounds of a route, then just as suddenly as the music changes to fast paced darker sounding tones, the game switches into a battle of epic portions. The music gives a sense of how the game should feel. The biggest thing that I have noticed about these songs within the games is that people are willing to scout the internet and pay fifty dollars in overseas shipping for copies of the OST (Original Sound Track) of these songs. For the popularity and artistry of the music in vide games, I feel that video game music should be just as recognized as any other music. I mean come on, Lost Woods from Zelda is way more musical than anything Miley Cyrus has shoved out of her brain. I personally have fallen in love with music from Pokemon, Zelda, Mario, and Starfox. The orchestration, the catchy tones, and the memories are enough to get me to say, video games over pop music any day. I feel so strongly about this that I think game companies and record labels should release the original sound tracks of video games when they release. Think of driving around to the Mario Kart soundtrack. Wouldn't that be awesome? It would be great listening to Starfox while on a plane or listening to Lost Woods while hiking, or even listening to Pokemon Center while in the hospital. (It would make the outrageous pricing of the bill a little better at least.) For these reasons and many more, I feel that video game music is not only incredibly complex, but also store worthy.

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