Friday, January 10, 2014

Music inspired by the gluteus maximus.

TWERK- verb. to dance to popular music in a sexually provocative manner involving thrusting hip movements and a low, squatting stance. 

This is the most ridiculous video I've ever seen.

I don't even know what to say. I watched this video, laughed about it for a while, then realized what our society has come to. This is today's music. This is what kids listen to. This is what is popular. This is 'art'.

My good friend Kolton has a tendency to find the funniest things on the internet, it’s truly his god given talent. He found this song, I don’t know how, and decided it was so funny we had to watch it. My friend Emily and I watched it, and died. First we laughed- this video is ridiculous. All it is, is large African American women “dancing”, which now is what you youngsters call “twerking”. I am appalled by this behavior. Women fought so long for the right to vote and to be called citizens, to be respected as people not property, and here we have a very large black women in a neon thong, “twerking” in a black light with white paint on her body to make it obvious she had been touched in certain areas. I can feel my great grandmother rolling over in her grave.

The song is called Trampoline Booty.

I’ll start with the lyrics. Here’s a verse!
“I told her jumpity jump dat booty (Twerk)
Jumpity jump dat booty (Twerk)
Jumpity jump dat booty (Twerk)
Jumpity jump dat booty (Twerk)
I told her Jumpity jump dat booty (Twerk)
Jumpity jump dat booty (Twerk)
Jumpity jump dat booty (Twerk)”

In the entire song, he says “booty” 70 times. SEVENTY TIMES. At one point in the video, he is jumping on a large “booty” as if it were a trampoline! What is our world coming to?! This is what children listen and watch.

The rappers name is Kstylis, which I don’t understand. He is neither a caterpillar, nor butterfly. His other songs include “Booty Me Down”, “Booty Hopscotch” and “Kangaroo Booty”. I’m sensing a theme here… could it be he’s fascinated by large buttocks? All of his songs have the same words: booty, work, twerk, down, girl, jump, cheeks, etc. please allow me to stress that this isn’t music. This is trash with a record deal. I can tolerate rap music, but this isn’t music. This is trash, a disgrace to all things with a beat and lyrics. Who gave this ignorant pervert a record deal? Who in god’s name gave him money for a music video? Jesus Christ in a chicken basket. Who does such horrible things to humanity? Isn’t our country perverse and stupid enough?

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